Cosmos Preview featuring The Axiom
A Universal Odyssey
(The camera zooms in to a close-up shot of Neil deGrasse Tyson, standing in front of a giant holographic model of the Universal Axiom.)
Neil deGrasse Tyson: "Hello and welcome back to Cosmos.
Today, we're going to be diving into a new framework for understanding the nature of reality, known as the Universal Axiom.
(The camera pans out to show the entire model of the Universal Axiom, with its base labeled "0" and its peak labeled "1.")
Neil deGrasse Tyson: "The Universal Axiom is a framework that seeks to understand the nature of objective reality through the principles of physics, with a specific focus on the role of time and the distinction between subjective and objective nature."
(The camera zooms in on the base of the prism, labeled "0".)
Neil deGrasse Tyson: "At the base of the prism, labeled variable "0", we find the concept of subjective nature. This represents our individual perspectives, experiences, and interpretations of reality.
The three corners of variable "0" are defined as:
"A" = "Impulses (Current),"
"B" = "Elements (Energy, Matter, State)," and
"C" = "Pressure (Direction, Momentum, Integrity)."
These cornerstones help us understand the underlying principles and concepts that shape our subjective perspectives."
(The camera pans up to the peak of the prism, labeled "1".)
Neil deGrasse Tyson: "At the peak of the prism, labeled variable "1", we find the concept of objective nature.
This represents the ultimate goal of the Universal Axiom, to understand the fundamental nature of reality as it truly is, independent of our subjective perspectives.
The scale for the dimensional depth from the apex to the base is defined as "Time" in the form of a sphere, with the apex of the prism at the apex of the sphere, defined as "Apex Nature."
(The camera zooms out to show the entire model of the Universal Axiom, with the "Y axis" of the prism, between the apex and base, highlighted.)
Neil deGrasse Tyson: "The "Y axis" of the prism, between the apex and base, represents the tension between subjective and objective nature.
The tension measurement is defined between 1 at the apex, to 0 at the base, and is defined by the subjective gravity of variable "0."
This tension is what drives us to seek a deeper understanding of reality, and to continually refine our subjective perspectives in light of new evidence and knowledge."
(The camera zooms in on the Fibonacci sequence displayed on the holographic model.)
Neil deGrasse Tyson: "And finally, the tension between subjective and objective nature is measured by applying the Fibonacci sequence, reflecting the disorder and dynamics of the system.
The objective nature of the Universal Axiom means that it cannot be defeated by subjective interpretations that are grounded in the base of the prism. Instead, it provides a universal and objective measure of reality, transcending subjective interpretations and offering a new way of understanding the world around us."
(The camera pans out to show Neil deGrasse Tyson standing in front of the model.)
Neil deGrasse Tyson: "So there you have it, folks. The Universal Axiom, a new framework for understanding the nature of reality. I hope this has been as fascinating for you to learn about as it was for me to present. Until next time, keep looking up."